Resolutions Check-in: Give Yourself Some Grace.

Let's chat how we measure success. Everyone wants to adopt healthy habits– but it’s tricky. I decided to jump on the New Year's resolution bandwagon adding new healthy elements to my daily routine. I was aiming for a nightly routine of stretching, jotting down gratitude, dodging sugar, and hitting the gym.  It didn’t seem hard, really.

Fast forward to January 6th-not a single day of acing all four goals. Classic mistake – too many goals, not enough energy reserves. Who knew work after a holiday break would feel so exhausting? 

So, my wellness utopia didn't exactly pan out. Before I start the self-blame game, I’m going to acknowledge the wins with my resolutions. Sure, some sugar snuck in, but there were two days I resisted the sweet temptations my colleagues left on the coffee counter at work. Gym sessions were  only a once-a-week affair, but it's better than my pre-holiday evening  couch potato status. Three nights of stretching before bed,, three nights of gratitude scribbling – not terrible really.

Life's like a choose-your-own-adventure book, and rarely are our days predictable. So many unexpected turns. Instead of dwelling on the misses, let's give ourselves a pat on the back for the little victories. Maybe perfection isn't the goal; perhaps it's about enjoying the ride and celebrating what you do accomplish.

Let's be kinder to ourselves and welcome the progress, imperfections and all. It's not solely about reaching those goals; it's about relishing the quirky and unpredictable journey. That's the path to true wellness. Life is a continuous cycle of starting anew. We stumble, things get messy, plans go awry – but it's about getting back up and appreciating the chance to do so. Here's to embracing our imperfect, sugar-sneaking, gym-avoiding selves while still striving and staying authentically us.


If it tastes good, spit it out.


No time? It’s an even trade.